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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware this website contains images, voices and names of people who have died.

Post-Federation migration

Year 6

Who migrated to Australia after Federation? Why did they come? What contributions have they made to Australian society? Find out some of the stories and reasons behind migration to Australia since 1901.


Research the story of someone who migrated to Australia after 1900 and present their story in a creative way, such as a pic collage, video presentation, artwork or a play.

Research the experiences and contributions of a migrant group who came to Australia after the Second World War.

Write a journal entry as one of these migrants including your experiences and feelings in your new home.

Australian Curriculum links

Year 6 History

Stories of groups of people who migrated to Australia since Federation (including from ONE country of the Asia region) and reasons they migrated (ACHASSK136 since Federation (ACHASSK137)

Year 6 Civics and Citizenship

The shared values of Australian citizenship and the formal rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens (ACHASSK147)