Dirk, scabbard, by-knife and fork used by New South Wales Colonial Governor Lachlan Macquarie

A dirk consisting of a large metal blade one edge of which is notched in a decorative manner. It has a carved black wooden hilt studded with silver nails, and a silver cap at the pommel. The dirk is housed within a leather scabbard which has silver mounts. Fitted into two of the mounts is a small metal by-knife and fork, both with carved black wooden hilts and silver mounts.
Lieutenant Colonel Lachlan Macquarie (1761–1824) was the fifth Governor of New South Wales and its dependencies. During his 12-year term he transformed the colony from a dumping ground for convicts to a prosperous settlement. He was instrumental in establishing Australia’s first bank and introducing its first currency, the holey dollar.
National Museum of Australia

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