Learning module:
Active participation Defining Moments
Setting the scene
Can you save Dingo Reserve?

‘Hey, did you hear the news about Dingo Reserve?’
‘Dingo Reserve, what’s that?’
‘You know, the park at the end of the street.’
‘No, what about it?’
‘They’re going to bulldoze a big slab of it, and build a hospital and car park there.’
‘What? But we love that place. Little kids play there on the playground equipment, people walk their dogs there, school classes go in there to study the natural environment, old people sit there to enjoy the peace and quiet and the ovals are used every day by sporting groups.’
‘Yeah, but a hospital is good, too.’
‘Of course, but they can build a hospital somewhere else. We can’t make a park just anywhere, can we?’
‘Good point. What can we do about it?’
1. What would you suggest that the local citizens might do to try and save their park? Discuss possible actions that they could take and make some notes here.
2. You will have identified a lot of possible actions that the locals might take to protect their park. Now look at the list of possible actions below and decide if you think they are practical and realistic (that is, something that an ordinary citizen such as yourself could do). Some of these suggestions may seem pretty extreme, but they have all been used at some stage for different proposals in Australia.
3. Which three of these actions do you think would be the most effective? How practical and realistic are they?
4. Which three do you think would be least likely to have an impact? Explain your reasons.
Now see what happened in two defining moments that happened in Australia.
Investigation 1.1 |
Investigation 1.2 |