Learning module:
Australian citizenship Defining Moments
Investigation 1: What does it mean to be an Australian citizen?
1.1 What is Australian citizenship?

At the time of Federation, Australians were ‘British subjects’. This meant people who were subject to, or ruled by, the British King or Queen.
This is not the case now.
Since 1949 all Australians have been ‘Australian citizens’.
Read the information below and answer the questions that follow. If you need help when answering the questions, click ‘Help’ to go back to the related information.
Australian citizenship |
A |
Citizenship before 1949 |
B |
The Australian Constitution did not mention ‘Australian citizenship’. This is because at the time of Federation (1901) until at least the Second World War (1939–1945), most Australians identified themselves as British. |
C |
However from the 1940s onwards, the British Empire became weaker and more non-British immigrants came to Australia. So people started to think more about ‘Australian citizenship’ rather than being ‘British subjects’. |
D |
Nationality and Citizenship Act |
E |
To be an Australian citizen a person had to be born in Australia. All existing British subjects were now automatically Australian citizens. All people born in Australia after 26 January 1949 were automatically Australian citizens. |
F |
The Act has been changed occasionally. The latest changes mean that for an ‘alien’ (a non-Australian citizen) to become a citizen they have to pass a test, and live in Australia for four years. |
G |
Any person born overseas to at least one Australian citizen parent is automatically an Australian citizen. If a child is born in Australia to non-citizen parents and lives most of their life up to age 10 in Australia, the child becomes an Australian citizen at age 10. |
H |
Citizens over the age of 18 must register and are eligible to vote for state and federal parliaments. |
I |
Finding out more
Learn more by reading the Defining Moment in Australian history: 1949 Becoming Australian — Australian citizenship established.