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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware this website contains images, voices and names of people who have died.

2. Developments in Australian popular culture: Key questions

By the end of your investigation of developments in Australian popular culture after 1945 you should be able to discuss these questions:

  1. What was the nature of Australian popular culture before 1945?
    • What were the main features?
  2. What major changes occurred?
    • Why and how did these developments occur?
  3. What impacts did these changes have on Australian society, and on the world?
    • Did it involve a change in people’s behaviour, attitudes, values and beliefs?
    • Did it create harmony or division among communities?
    • Did it have any economic, political or environmental impacts, as well as social ones?
  4. Was there continuity or change in the beliefs and values that influenced the Australian way of life?
    • Was it a permanent or temporary change?
    • Can you still see the influence of this change in Australia today?
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