Learning module:
Progressive ideas and movements Defining Moments, 1750–1918
Investigation 1: Capitalism
1.2 1885 Founding of Broken Hill Propriety Ltd (BHP)

During the nineteenth century the basis of the Australian economy was agriculture and the pastoral industry.
From 1851 gold mining was added to that list.
How would the continuing expansion of mining of different minerals help develop Australia?
Read the information about the founding of the mining company Broken Hill Mining Company (later known as Broken Hill Proprietary Limited, or BHP) in the Defining Moment in Australian history: 1885 BHP begins mining silver, lead and zinc at Broken Hill in New South Wales. Use that information to answer these questions. You may need to do some further research to answer some of the questions.
Look back at the Key Questions. Which of these questions do you think you can now answer fully? Which need more research?