Learning module:
Popular culture Defining Moments, 1945–present
Investigation 2: The impact of sport on Australian popular culture
2.3 Adam Goodes is driven from AFL
Read the information in the Defining Moments in Australian history: 2019 AFL apology to Adam Goodes. Use that information to answer these questions.
1. Who is Adam Goodes? Why is he a significant person in the history of the AFL?
2. What was the controversy that affected him?
3. What was the significance of the controversy?
4. How did the football administration react to the crowd abuse?
5. Why was this approach finally seen as being inadequate?
6. Do you think the incident reflected popular culture, or changed popular culture, or both?
7. If it had happened in a less popular sport do you think the impacts would have been the same?
8. What does this event help you understand about developments in Australian popular culture after 1945?
9. Why was this Defining Moment so significant in Australian history?
10. If you were advising the National Museum of Australia on an object that it could display to tell the story of this event, what would you suggest? (You can see what objects they actually have using the National Museum of Australia collections search)
Look back at the Key questions. Which of these questions do you think you can now answer fully? Which need more research?