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1.4 Vote dog! Vote cat!

<p>A dog at a polling station</p>

Abdul Kadir Audah / Stockimo / Alamy Stock Photo

<p>A dog at a polling station</p>

Scene 4: The same classroom…

‘Well class, trying two different ways of voting has made it hard for us to decide if our class pet should be a dog or a cat. As you know, each way of voting produced a different result. So let’s try again to make sure we get a final winner this time.

‘But before you vote, you have to register. When you register youll get a number — 1, 2 or 3. Thats your voting ticket. If you dont have a ticket, you cant vote.

‘So make sure you have a ticket now.’

‘OK class, you have all registered to vote. Before you vote, here are the rules:’ (Groans. ‘Not rules again!’)

‘Only those with number 1 can vote. The rest, the 2s and 3s, can’t vote.

‘I’ll watch how you vote.

‘Go ahead and vote for your choice.’ (‘What? That’s not fair.’ ‘Yay, I have a vote, I’m voting for a cat’.)

Number 1s vote, and cat wins.

What happened next?

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